GodotLighting 3D

godotshadervisual effectsaddon

Contributed code to use generators for the addon, allowing easier control over the effect.

About the project

In this contribution, I expanded the code by Auren, creating a branched lightning and a lightning bolt generators, for ease of use, so the lightnings don’t need to be manually set.

How does it work?

The branched lightning draws a line with random offsets towards the destination point, meanwhile it creates smaller sublightnings that can be configured to end in a random place or go towards the destination.

The bolt detects collisions in a certain range with random raycasts and creates lightnings between the origin of the bolt and the collision point.

How does it look?

Two frames of the behaviour of the branching images.

6D light shader 6D light shader

A lightning bolt, detects collisions and creates branching lightnings in the collision points.

6D light shader